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What is the APSU Film Festival? 

This is the first Film Festival run by SCU's Asian Pacific-Islander Student Union, which aims to showcase student-made films that promote the idea that everyone's unique voice matters, regardless of who they are or where they come from. If you have a film that fits within our theme, submit it to our festival! Submissions will be accepted until early Spring Quarter 2016. 

Everyone Has a Story

Our theme for this year stands for the idea that no one can be described by one singular aspect like race or appearance. By holding this festival, APSU hopes to express the need for greater representation in our community by featuring the stories of individuals within it. The kind of films we are looking for don't necessarily focus on issues of discrimination, but simply illustrate the idea that "everyone has a story". Feel free to interpret the theme in your own way!

Red Dot Cinema

We will be partnering with the Singapore-based team We Are One Singapore to screen short films by Asian filmmakers at our festival. Find more information about their work of creating powerful community events around the world here!
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